About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Innovative lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Professional education and training

Stories of Impact



Complete versions of the NDC Academy 2011 course materials and a CDBG support letter template will be available for download on NDC’s website until June 24. For non-Academy attendees, the cost is $50. Follow the procedure below to access the secure website.

  1.  Log-on to the website: http://nationaldevelopmentcouncil.webex.com
  2.  Select the following course: NDC Academy 2011: Course Materials
  3.  You must register on the website to access the materials. Enter the required information and click “Register” at the bottom of the page.
  4.  At the payment prompt, enter your credit card information and select “Submit Payment.”

You will then have access to the complete course materials from the NDC Academy 2011. You will only be able to access the site one time. Please set aside ample time to download the information in one session. The materials will be available until June 24, 2011 at 5pm ET.

Please contact NDC’s Training Division at 859-578- 4850 or via e-mail attraining@nationaldevelopmentcouncil.org if you experience any difficulty logging on or downloading the material.