About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Innovative lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Professional education and training

Stories of Impact



Annie E. Casey Foundation Vice President Bob Giloth will join us in D.C. for NDC Academy 2011‘s Foundations and Community Development session. Foundations have played a vital leadership role since the beginning of the community development movement in the 1960s. This session, featuring several national leaders including Melissa Johnson, executive director ofNeighborhood Funders Group, delves deeply into the state of foundation support for community development today.

Prior to his 17 years at the Casey Foundation, Giloth was Deputy Commissioner of Economic Development under Chicago Mayor Harold Washington. He has also managed community development corporations in both Chicago and Baltimore and holds a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University.

Every two years, NDC Academy assembles the best and brightest from the field of community development to help you Navigate Changing Times. Join us in Washington D.C., May 23-25!