About Us

Our Programs:

Investments in housing and community development
Innovative lending and entrepreneurial support
Advisory support for community and economic development
Professional education and training

Stories of Impact




Over 200 people attended the NDC Academy 2007 and the reception on Capitol Hill. Thank you to everyone who made the NDC Academy 2007 a success. NDC extends a special thank you to our speakers and panelists.

Keynote speaker Norman Rice at the lectern.

Keynote speaker Norman Rice at the lectern.

Keynote Speaker:
Norman B. Rice
Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence
University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Affairs



Ira Weinstein of the Reznick Group (left) and Matt Josephs of the CDFI Fund on the panel of the NMTCs Roundtable.

Ira Weinstein of the Reznick Group (left) and Matt Josephs of the CDFI Fund on the panel of the NMTCs Roundtable.

Hugh Allen, US Dept. of HUD
James Alsop, USDA
Laurence Anderson, USDA
Zachary Boyers, US Bancorp CDC
Nelson Bregón, US Dept. of HUD
Russell Davis, USDA
Alison Feighan, Rapoza Associates
Michael Feinberg, USDA
Matt Josephs, CDFI Fund
Kimberly Reed, CDFI Fund
Paul Webster, US Dept. of HUD
Ira Weinstein, Reznick

Photo Gallery

Hugh Allen from the US Department of HUD (left) with NDC's John Downs.

Hugh Allen from the US Department of HUD (left) with NDC’s John Downs.

NDC's Karen Garritson (left) and Matt Josephs of the CDFI Fund at the keynote lunch.

NDC’s Karen Garritson (left) and CDFI Fund’s Matt Josephs at the keynote lunch.



Paul Webster from the US Department of HUD (left) with NDC's John Finke and Michelle Morlan.

Paul Webster from the US Department of HUD (left) with NDC’s John Finke and Michelle Morlan.



Nelson Bregón (left) and Paul Webster (right) of the US Dept. of HUD with NDC's Sam Beard (middle).

Nelson Bregón (left) and Paul Webster (right) of the US Dept. of HUD with NDC’s Sam Beard (middle).